Welcome to the Dream Dimension. This is a place where I share some dreams I had.

My dreams can be pretty strange. But they make for some excellent writing material! Some of them even end up as inspirations for some of my original projects.

September 8th, 2023

The first dream I had this night centered around an anime based on a manga called Nameneko Matayoshi's Strongest Legend: Don't Blame Me!.

It's a manga I managed to get into late in the summer. In this one episode, Matayoshi (the tabby) was in a bike race against this other character. (It was probably an original character who didn't appear in the manga.) The race was heating up, and Chikuwa (the little yellow guy) was trying to tell him something. But I couldn't make out what he was saying. The episode then cuts to another scene with some of the characters in a hotel room. Leo (the white cat in the back) noticed an object on top of a dresser. After he picked it up and wondered what it was, the dream shifted to another scenario.

I was moving into a new house in another country. Instead of unpacking some of the boxes, I sat down and read a horror novel. I don't remember the specifics of it. But there was this one kid who actively tortured the people who had wronged him in life. One scene involved two other kids panicking as they were about to be squished by a moving wall. A while after I finished reading, I watched an animated horror movie adaptation of the book. The art style had a cartoony look, and some of the scenes were the same. The scene with the moving wall had a girl replace a guy, and there was another scene where the protagonist began to doubt his actions. By the time I got to the climax of the movie, the dream ended.

September 9th, 2023

I woke up in a school where a friend took me to a massive cafeteria that also doubled as a hub for eating establishments. The meals served there were actually free until 10 AM. To be honest, the only reason my friend dragged me there was so that she could say how angry she was at someone for embarrassing her and that she had a plan to get back at them.

After that, the dream shifted to some guy putting accessories on other people's cars to make them look cool or scary. He did all of this in an area that looked like a combination of a small town, a port, and a parking lot. Needless to say, the owners of those cars were not happy with what they saw. After they tried to confront the criminal, the dream ended.

September 18th, 2023

I was playing Pokémon Violet Version and was in the middle of the Mewtwo Tera Raid Battle event that ended the other day. I wasn't really up for it. But I decided to test my luck and fight it anyway. My team and I managed to do great, and we actually beat Mewtwo. It's too bad it was all a dream... (That, and I used Koraidon for the fight.)

Sometime later, I found myself entering a community center that looked like a DMV. It alternated between teaching ballet classes and serving as a theater. There was a program where some cartoon character talked about something. But I couldn't make out what he was saying.

After that, I woke up in another dream where I was suddenly in a town that was located in my old home country. I could walk through areas at faster speeds. I nearly made it to the next town over when the dream came to a close.

October 14th, 2023

I was getting ready to travel to a new country. It felt like I was continually rushing to get to a train or an airplane on time. But I have no idea why I did because there wasn't any transportation available. There was a big metal gate that opened to reveal the road to a new country. Almost as if it was a portal to another dimension that was treated like a miracle for all to see. It reminded me of this scene from Pokémon Pocket Monsters when Professor Oak shows the road to Route 29 to Red, Gold, and Silver.

I was about to set off into this new territory to see what it had to offer. But then, the dream ended.

October 15th, 2023

I was minding my business when some girl punched me in the face. It was completely uncalled for, and I feel like she's one of those jerks who want to start fights for no reason. I thought talking to her wouldn't change anything. So I took her to court for assault. I managed to win the case before transitioning to another dream.

I was eating some roll-up candy in a study hall and won some posters from a promotion it was holding. The art style used in the posters made it look like a film from the 90s featuring some pretty-looking dogs. After I finished admiring the posters, I turned on a nearby television to watch a movie. A dog was on a train headed toward a city. He saw a French dog and was so enamored by her that he missed his stop. After a few seconds, he snapped out of his trance and ran back to his original destination at the next stop. He ran into a dead end in an alley before heading back and taking a different path that led him to the city he was initially headed to. Before I had the chance to see him explore it, the dream ended.

October 16th, 2023

I went to a musical for a popular cartoon. I thought it was Pokémon because I remember holding up a sign with "Orre" written on it after they asked what our favorite region was. But it could have been another show like Bakumaru or Bluey. Speaking of Pokémon, there was a big event held for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Version and Pokémon Shining Pearl Version where they were giving away powerful Pokémon through Mystery Gift. It must have been done to ramp up the excitement for a tournament.

The venue for both of these events was very colorful and incredibly HUGE. It looked similar to the Little Cup stadium from
Pokémon Stadium 2.

After I got my
Pokémon, I ended up in an area that was similar to a hedge maze. Except, the hedges were all replaced by overgrown grass. It felt like I was traveling through a field of crops. By the time I got out, I found myself in a city that looked like London. (Except for the fact it was still located in North America.) Before I could explore it, the dream ended.

October 28th, 2023

There was a big event held for an online digital pet game that utilized special peripherals to connect a device to a computer. The game was loaded with features that allowed you to store items you found on the device online, talk in chatrooms, and access different modes. It seemed to be a pretty big deal with everyone. Before I could try it for myself, I ended up in a different dream.

I was moving into a dormitory with some other people in a new college. The dorms were all based on characters from Tiny Toon Adventures. (Complete with interesting fan art.) I wanted the Fifi La Fume room but got tossed out by some guy who claimed to have had it reserved in advance. I eventually settled on a room far away from the others that had nothing to do with Tiny Toons. I opened my laptop and drew some small comics with impressive detail. Before I could do anything else, I shifted to another dream.

I found myself in a library that had some Pokémon-centric activities. (Including a challenge that had you beat 100 Pokémon in a row using an Advanced series game.) There was a giant video booth that announced tips for Pokémon games, as well as tidbits for certain characters from the anime. Complete with their voices. (Most of the trivia was fake and hilarious.)

After I exited the library, I ended up in a flood caused by a severe storm. I swam for miles until I made it to a desert town that resembled Mesagoza City from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet versions. The type symbols in the center of the town were replaced by strange alien writing. As I planned on what I should do next, I was thrust into another dream.

I woke up as some robotic superhero who was trapped in an alternate dimension where these characters from a candy advertisement chased me down after witnessing a secret of theirs in their bedroom. (Which looked like it belonged to a girl.) Thankfully, I was able to escape through an elevator, which led me to a seemingly abandoned high school. There wasn't a person around for miles except someone in an Elmo costume. I approached them for questions. When I got near them, they slowly began to turn to me and were about to tackle me. That's when I ran off.

I was running for some time, and the Elmo cosplayer was still behind me. Just when I started wondering whether I'd be able to escape from this guy, I found a nearby stairwell. Just as I was heading to the next floor, I saw some ordinary people (possibly students) walking around. I tried to reach them. But I couldn't because a red metal gate was blocking the way. The person in the Elmo costume caught up to me and took off the costume's head to reveal themselves as a crazed woman. She claimed that she was the one who made the gate and that I would become her new toy. Before she reached me, I took out a cutter from my pocket and cut a hole through the gate before making my grand escape. The woman from before tried to climb after me. But I slammed her right onto the pavement below.

As soon as I flew off to check out the rest of the city, the dream ended.

November 8th, 2023

I was watching a movie that centered around some kids who tried to take back their futuristic world from a tyrannical dictator who was bent on transforming innocent people into robotic minions and murdering anyone that stood in his way. Later in the film, one of the protagonist's relatives is hospitalized by a mercenary sent in by the antagonist. They seem incredibly damaged from the attack. The doctor even states that it'd be a miracle if they'd be able to see another day.

The protagonist is understandably hurt by all of this and decides to end everyone's suffering by taking out the antagonist once and for all. As soon as the main heroes geared up to take down the villain of the movie, I found myself in another dream.

I was watching Boomerang when a form of cable anti-piracy kicked in. Quickdraw McGraw takes out a shotgun and shoots the viewer for illegally viewing the channel. Quickdraw looks scuffed up after he fires, with a bit of dust and mangled fur. I couldn't believe something like this actually aired on TV! It looks exactly like one of those fake anti-piracy videos you'd see on YouTube. Just as the television cut to black, the dream ended.

December 17th, 2023

I was in high school. (Thankfully, it was a better high school than the one I went to.) There was this guy who kept on boasting about how he got to create a cartoon about a dog detective based on some Sherlock Hound fan art he made YEARS ago as part of an art group he was about to leave.

When I tried to move somewhere else, some Hollywood big shots approached me with the desire to have me direct a reboot of a movie franchise revolving around humans and dragons. When I first saw some footage, I was less than happy with what I saw. The character models looked ugly, and the writing tried WAY too hard to be hip with the kids. I refused to work on a film like this and turned down the executives' request. After they left, the dream shifted.

Some kooky old guy was constantly being told off for acting like a childish buffoon. It wasn't until he became a ruthless dictator that people began to take him seriously. Anyone who mocked or scolded him was executed on the spot.

After that, I was eating some pizza at a Chuck E. Cheese-like location. When I asked for pepperoni, they informed me they only served cheese pizza and nothing more. I was okay with that fact and ordered two slices. The guy behind me asked for 100 or more pies and 30 milkshakes. The restaurant seemed VERY specific about the pizza crust. The dining area had several warnings about leaving the crust on the tray. Even with all this, I ate the crust anyway, and nothing terrible happened to me.

It was at that point that I was warped to some sort of final battle (Probably against the old man from before) after collecting a certain amount of magical items. Before I could comprehend what was going on, the dream ended.

January 6th, 2024

I had to transfer to different train lines to get to a specific location. After a while, I accidentally ended up on the wrong train. It was an old, creaky cargo train I thought would topple over at any moment. Somewhere along the way, there was another train that was headed straight for the one I was in at breakneck speed. Somehow, I was the one tasked with saving everyone from getting totaled in a crash. As soon as I pulled the brakes, I was transported to another dream.

I was in a theater where a production of Pokémon Live was taking place. Even though the actual play takes place during the Original Series, this version of it was set in the Advanced saga due to characters like May and Drew appearing. There was even a surprise appearance from a popular band I'd never heard of. Before we got to see the new villains interact with our heroes, all the theatergoers were asked to line up and exit the room. The reason for this was that the play was done entirely without the involvement of Nintendo or The Pokémon Company International. Making it an unlicensed production. Before I could make heads or tails of what was happening, I was thrust into another dream.

I became obsessed with a manga created by an artist named Zenmigawa that centered around an all robot baseball team. After I contacted him to compliment him on the manga and how I always admired his work (even before he started self-publishing), the dream ended.

January 10th, 2024

I went to a restaurant at night with some family members to eat some seafood. I felt stuffed after finishing my meal, and I thought we would be heading home. But my stepmom informed me that we would be visiting a friend somewhere on the edge of town. Before we arrived, I entered another dream.

A few of my friends and I were traveling down a metal bridge that led to a beach pier with lots of games, corn dogs, and tangy cotton candy. After a while, I sat down on the warm beach sand to relax from all the excitement. Just then, someone persuaded me to get into a boat to show off my Pokémon skills at their school and even enter an official tournament. Their boat looked shady and run down, which proved to me that this guy couldn't be trusted. I declined his offer and went to meet up with my friends. Before we could think about what to do next, I ended up in another dream.

I was in a theater situated in a GRAND mall watching a movie about a group in a music store with a well-liked singer. After some exposition, the main antagonist of the film appeared and tried to steal the musician's magical item. At this point, both the characters and most of the audience ran out of the building in terror. The audience ran as the scene and audio were so intense they believed the villain was out to get them.

Before I could find out what happened to the protagonists, the dream ended.

March 8th, 2024

I was watching an educational action show where the characters were about to escape a burning planet in a spaceship. One of the female characters argued with a non-human character to get out of the pilot's seat so she could drive. While these events are happening, the show's antagonist watches the protagonists through his supercomputer and is enraged that his plan failed. His rat sidekick says something nonsensical that causes the villain to bicker with him. After traveling for a while, the heroes plan their next course of action and discover that if they blow up the power core hidden within the villain's base, they can return their world to normal. Before they arrived at their destination, the dream ended.

March 11th, 2024

I found myself in a convenience store looking for snacks I could buy since I never had the time to prepare my lunch at home. When I reached the front of the store, I discovered some Pokémon cards on display. One of them was a Braixen one that looked similar to this art piece by RizPilaff. The card was a full art one where the artwork took up the entire card. I immediately asked the clerk if it was for sale, and he told me it was around $1,000. I was a little disappointed with the price and continued searching for snacks. When I came back, the clerk clarified that the card cost $11. Some shady people were arguing nearby, so I must have misheard him. I paid for the card and snacks before heading to the library to work. Before I could admire the card, I ended up in another dream.

I was trapped inside of a high school. After traveling through a long set of stairs, I ended up in what looked like the school basement. Besides a wooden desk and a PC, the only other points of interest were an exit to the cafeteria and a closed-off room that had "Beer Room" spelled above it. Even though I couldn't enter the room, I could see some boxes and furniture strewn across the room through the door windows. With all the doors locked, I spent the rest of the night browsing the internet on the computer. It wasn't long until I found out the PC also had a telephone attached to it. I dialed a friend's number and told them that I was trapped in the basement of a weird high school. Before I could tell them the address, I heard multiple footsteps coming from the direction of the cafeteria exit. Once I saw someone's shadow inch down the hall, the dream ended.

March 12th, 2024

I opened my eyes and saw my stepsister play a game on the Wii. The graphics for the game were crude, and the whole thing looked like it was animated with the cheapest animation software available. Eventually, after my stepsister lost all her lives, we were greeted an image of the protagonist lying face down on the ground with tattered clothes and visible blood pouring down from the top of his head.The scene was pretty disturbing, but I brushed it off and went to get a snack. Before I was able to bite into my meal, I heard my stepsister scream out of the room at the top of her lungs. I went to see what freaked her out and found a sight so gruesome, it can't be described on a website like this. Thankfully, I was only able to make out the left side of the screen. When I crept closer to the TV to see the image in its entirety, I was thrust into another dream.

I was playing a new Pokémon game where battles functioned how they normally do. After landing a critical hit on the opponent, the screen zoomed out and the controls became similar to the ones in Pokkén Tournament. Despite my
Pokémon being paralyzed, all status conditions were seemingly non-existent. Before I could get further into the game, the dream ended.

March 17th, 2024

I was traveled to a hotel in a distant country for an official covention held by The Pokémon Company. After working on a few art pieces, I went to the venue where the convention was hosted. Even though it seemed like things were still being prepared, it seemed as if the event was already underway. The convention was incredibly short on staff as there weren't enough of them present to handle everything. The fact that one of the employees asked me to help them lift a few items onto a wagon shows how mismanaged the whole event was.

The venue had a pool, but it lacked
Pokémon theming and used real sea creatures like dolphins for its decoractions. By the time I finished examining the poor appearance of the pool, an angry crowd of people swarmed out of the auditorium and were headed in my direction. Thankfully, I managed to make it back to my hotel room before anything bad happened.

Later that night, there was a warning given to hotel guests that stated the
Pokémon convention attendees were rowdy and would resort to verbal and physical harm to anyone who stood in their way. The reason for this was because the trailers shown for Pokémon Legends A-Z and the next anime film were stated to be of non-consistent quality. To the fans, one piece of media looked worse than the other, causing the convention-goers to become furious at the fact they spent hundreds of dollars only to be let down by a few trailers for upcoming Pokémon media. Due to the severity of the situation guests were advised to stay within their rooms until law enforcement could arrive to help straighten out the issue.

I was worried about how I'd be able to escape, when my friends arrived to help get me back home. By the time we crawled out of the window, a raveneous crowd burst through the door to the room. Even though it seemed like we were free on the road, an army of convention-goers were chasing after us at breakneck speeds. We tried to drive faster, but nothing seemed to work as the fans were still in sight. Before we ran into what seemed like an unfinished plot of road, the dream ended.

April 28th, 2024

I was browsing The Cutting Room Floor for pages on certain games, when I came across one that didn't involve video games at all. It was a development page for a Ren And Stimpy reboot leaked directly from an animator's USB drive. The files mostly consisted of concept art and model sheets, but there also existed frames and storyboards for episodes that didn't air at the time the files were leaked. Before I could see what else the page had to offer, I was shifted into a different dream.

I managed to find an official Pokémon manga at a store. The store was unique as it had several copies of each volume in a different language. Some of them were in Japanese while others were in Spanish, yet contained dialogue written entirely in English. Once I got to the third volume, things started to get weird... There was a massive amount of slapstick where characters visibly bled, with some characters engaging in crude humor that would NEVER be approved by any company that wants to release a children's manga to an English-speaking audience.

I'm pretty sure there were a couple scenes where the protagonist's mom fantisized about dating multiple men or dreamed about marrying Professor Oak. After I put the book away, I entered another dream.

I found myself at a party hosted by some snobbish people who seemed full of themselves. I only really came because a friend wanted to meet the main host who was the author of a webcomic. Despite my friend's wishes to stay, I decided to leave and go somewhere where I feel like I actually matter. Before I could leave, the party hosts spotted me and mocked me for being too average to accomplish anything big in life. Feeling sick of their pompous behavior, I confronted them on their actions and stated that the only reason they bully others is because their parents never cared for them throughout their lives and they lacked people who could give them genuine love.

After I finished speaking, the hosts became serious and said that I would regret my words and that I should steer clear of the main host's father. The father appeared to be a LARGE, burly man with sharp, slender arms and a body that curved over his victims who slaughtered anyone who disrespected his family with his own bare hands. Thankfully, I was able to reach my house before he noticed me. Before I could find out what happened to my friend, the dream ended.

May 25th, 2024

I was walking around a mall when I had a sudden craving for food. Luckily, there was a McDonald's nearby and I decided to head there for a quick lunch. The first thing I noticed was that the restaurant had changed to a more colorful appearance and lacked the dull interior it usually had. It wasn't long before I realized this was done to promote the newest Happy Meal toys for two franchises. Boys could get something from Thomas and Friends while girls got a Happy Meal toy for Chuggington.

While the use of Thomas made some sense, Chuggington seemed like a very strange choice to base an entire set of Happy Meal toys around. The show wasn't as nearly as known as Thomas in my country and it had ended years ago. So why McDonald's decided to promote a show that stopped producing new episodes is beyond my guess. Before I could order anything, I entered another dream.

While I waited for someone in a wooded area, I played a new Pokémon game on my Switch Lite. It seemed to focus entirely on battling. You could choose battlefields from different games in the franchise, with arenas from Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD also making appearances. After spending time in a certain mode, I was able to get an Earth Ribbon for Pikachu. I think it was possible to obtain other ribbons from older Pokémon titles. But the dream ended before I could go to another area.

June 13th, 2024

I found myself playing Pokémon Ruby Version on a website. When the game finally booted, the intro was different compared to what's actually shown in Ruby and Sapphire. There were random shots of characters who didn't originate from Pokémon alongside some text boxes that mentioned being a programmer working to create a new game for a new generation. At the end of the intro, a stylized three appeared in Roman numerals before transitioning to the game's title screen.

The screen didn't feature Groudon or any actual
Pokémon on it. Instead, some human characters (presumably the player characters) were running down a grassy road alongside non-Pokémon creatures who were all drawn similarly to characters from the Legendz franchise. There was text written in Chinese that I couldn't make out at the top of the screen with the Pokémon logo placed on the top-left of it poorly. When I looked at the description for the game, the website claimed it was an early prototype for Pokémon Ruby Version that was dated around 2001. (One year before the actual Ruby and Sapphire were released in Japan.) With a different art style and a surprising lack of Pokémon elements, I ruled the game as a bootleg that was no different from Pokémon Diamond and Jade in how the developers took a pre-existing Game Boy Advance title and slapped the Pokémon name on it to trick unsuspecting consumers into buying it.

After I pushed the Start button, the dream ended.

June 17th, 2024

I was watching TV when a unknown episode of Pecola came on. It served as a final episode for the show that involved Pecola leaving Cube Town and giving a heartfelt good-bye to the show's cast. It wasn't all that sad. We got to see what Pecola's parents look like and there was closure on that one alligator character who shows up in a few episodes. Besides that, this seemed like the most touching episode in the entire show.

After the credits (set to the first season's Japanese theme) played, I was thrown into another dream.

I watched an episode from the Japanese dub of Sonic SATAM. (A show I don't really care for...) There was a scene that involved Antoine singing and the subtitles were formatted the same as they are in fansubs of anime. (The English lyrics are shown on the bottom while romanized Japanese was displayed above.) When I used the remote to change the channel, the dream ended.

August 27th, 2024

I was woken up by a family member and rushed out of the house. Everyone was vulgar to me and treated me like I didn't matter. They never even gave me a chance to shower.

When I stepped outside, I noticed the country's pollution reached concerning levels due to the excess number of smokers. Those same people also suddenly died as soon as I left the house. Once I started to wonder where I needed to go, the dream ended.

September 2nd, 2024

I found myself in an abandoned shopping center on a dark, stormy night. I was trying to find some treasure, when this shark jumped out of the water and flopped around on the ground. I thought it was a bit weird, but I ignored it and continued investigating.

A minute or two later, that same shark from before flopped into the booth I was examining. To get away from it, I ran into a strange building. The shark caught up with me again, but this time, he started talking about how he'd make me his hostage and that he had me right where he wanted me. While he was speaking, he stopped flopping before growing a set of arms and a pair of legs. Out of nowhere, he also wore a business suit.

Before he could do anything to me, the shark got a phone call and answered the person who called him. (Who was possibly a family member.) While he was distracted, I snuck out of the building and ran as far away from the shopping center as possible. After I stopped on a far-off road, the dream ended.

September 16th, 2024

I was trying to design a new character for a big project when I heard someone knock on my door. The door wasn't locked well, so when the person knocked again, it flew right open. This person looked shady and he started to go on about wanting me to buy something from him. Before he could reach the fourth or fifth word in his sentence, I quickly slammed the door and properly locked it.

After I did, I found myself inside of the S.S. Libra from Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. I only came there because someone threatened me to go there. The inside of the ship was a lot darker than it was in the game and there was a lot of sand both on the ground and flowing out of the ship's hull. Once I reached the top, I saw the person who urged me to visit. Before they could face me, the dream ended.

September 30th, 2024

I found myself in a college hallway that was long and blue with saturated lighting. In that same hallway, there was a ramp that led to a platform with an arcade machine. The game was a puzzle game that had graphics and gameplay similar to Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix. The game was a favorite at the school, and the other students were hooked to it.

Most students knew that a sequel was released exclusively for the PC that added new characters and gameplay mechanics. The only thing stopping these students from getting their hands on the game was the fact that the only copy in the school (and possibly the world) was installed on one of the teacher's computers. With this in mind, I snuck in while no one else was in the room to try it out. Before the intro could play, the dream ended.

October 3rd, 2024

I found myself in a fairly old house solving nanogram puzzles, with each part of the house hosting a different theme for the puzzles. (Characters, sports, locations, etc.) Once I completed the final puzzle, a green void opened up that sucked me and a few other people into it. When I woke up, I discovered that we were transported to a gringy cavern with ominous lighting and boiling, green lava. In one section, I saw a few muscular anthropomorphic animals get publicly whipped and berated for the enjoyment of both the guards and the apparent civilians of the cave.

Somehow, I was able to find a way back to the surface world alongside the others from earlier who ended up with me in the depths. Once we returned to the house, I noticed that one of the walls broke down and led to a pathway outdoors. Before I could get a glimpse of the neighboring route, the dream ended.

October 5th, 2024

I was playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Version and entered the Veilstone Style Shop to change my clothes for the colder weather. To my surprise, the store transformed into an arcade that hosted several pinball machines that would earn you coins. Said coins could be used to buy items that you couldn't get normally. (Like Starf Berries and Light Balls.) There were even exclusive Secret Base statues that were necessary for earning a star on your Trainer Card.

I played pinball for a while and found myself having a lot of fun with it. It had a Clefairy theme with Mt. Moon located in the background. There was a short crane game minigame where you had to grab balls with various marks on it. When I grabbed a ball with the number 7 written on it, I entered a jackpot bonus round where you could earn a large amount of coins for a short period. While the round was active, a song started to play that sounded like this:

After I quit the pinball game, the dream ended.

October 16th, 2024

I woke up in a greenhouse that was home to a variety of beautiful flowers. I was suddenly greeted by Gaon from Kaiketsu Zorori who said something I couldn't make out. Before we walked off to another part of the greenhouse, the dream ended.

October 18th, 2024

I found myself in a house and was suddenly chased by a group of robot dog toys. The toys were meant to be a more useful alternative to dogs that were easier for children to care for. But due to an unknown virus, they became incredibly violent and would immediately maul any living creature they saw.

Out of nowhere, some organic dogs jumped in and took out the robotic ones. While they were attacking the robots, I managed to escape in a cramped car with some other people. Everything was going well until the driver got all cocky and bumped into a large truck, under the belief that she could pass right under it. Unsurprisingly, the truck ended up crashing into a nearby building, destroying several parts of it in the process. As I snuck out of the car, I ended up in a different dream.

I was being chased by a crazed woman in a grand building that was decorated with tall pillars, knight armor and incredibly old paintings. I stopped in a room that was close to the roof and could hear the chaser's footsteps steadily approach. Before I could think about what to do next, I was thrust into another dream.

I was watching an episode of a television show that featured a spy
(a wise-cracking animal of some sort) who was the mascot for a technology firm. In the climax of the episode, the protagonist kicked a seductive villain into the bottom of a chamber that was filled with boiling lava. After he landed back into the building corridor, he rushed into the arms of his crush and leaned in for a kiss. Because of his distracted state, he failed to realize that his shirt collar was caught by the gate latch for the chamber gate and found himself getting lifted upwards as it slammed shut.

A few minutes after that, the protagonist took a memory file of his adventure back to his headquarters and sent it to his boss, who then proclaimed that they were so close to putting an end to the schemes of a massive criminal in the country. A villain simply known as Mechanic. Before the credits began to play, the dream ended.

November 24th, 2024

I was browsing The Cutting Room Floor's homepage and noticed that one of the featured articles was for development info on a canceled Pokémon Pink Version. The page for it went into detail about how various front sprites for scrapped Pokémon corresponded with several Pokémon IDs in the original series games that were taken up by glitch Pokémon once the final releases came around. There were also several concept pieces shown that depicted either rejected Pokémon designs or cutesy takes on Pokémon species that are in the games. One of the Pokémon that was in the process of receiving a cute redesign was Nidorino.

After I clicked on a link to view the new sprites, the dream ended.

November 26th, 2024

I was playing an early version of Pac-Man Party for the 3DS. I managed to find it on a homebrew app and instantly installed it on a modified 3DS XL. Some of the more notable differences from the final version was that the icons for the characters were pixelated sprites instead of renders and that the character, Patra, had a somewhat different design that included more uses of blue from her waist down.


The weirdest thing about the game was the fact that it demanded that 2 or more players play the game. If it didn't detect other cartridges trying to communicate with it or systems that were connecting through Download Play, a message would pop up and the game would return to the title screen. This essentially meant that I had to play with myself. Not that it mattered anyway, as the game would add computer players if only 2 (and presumably 3) players were playing.

Just when I was about to move, the dream ended.

November 27th, 2024

I was playing a strange version of Crash Boom Bang on my DS. The cutscenes noticeably had a more detailed and colorful look to them. The graphics for them also looked more hand-drawn and resembled something you'd see in a Game Boy Advance game. One prominent difference I noticed was that Tiny Tiger had a larger role in the game's story and was more burlier compared to how he looks in the actual game.

Before I could actually move on to the board, the dream ended.

December 5th, 2024

I was playing a new Pokémon game that was played in the first person. I was in a dark skyscraper with some other people when Registeel and Regice burst through the wall and attacked. After they came at me, I could finally play the game.

There was a health system similar to
Pokémon Legends: Arceus where you'd also take damage alongside your Pokémon as I somehow hurt myself while moving around the stone gray corridor. I tried to head down an elevator, but it wouldn't work. Regice stomped toward my direction with Registeel right behind it. Just then, I threw some Master Balls at them and instantly caught them. That seemed like the right option as the elevator started working again.

Before I could see what waited for me on the main floor, the dream ended.

December 20th, 2024

I was watching a strange episode of Kirby Right Back At Ya! on TV. The citizens of Cappy Town were marching one-by-one into a shady building belonging to King Dedede. Once the next scene came, it was reveiled that the building was actually a restaurant that Dedede ordered from NME as a way to make easy money. As time went on, his hunger became insatible and rebuilt it as an expansive factory that contained a machine that could satisfy his ever-growing hunger. After running out of fresh ingredients to use for his meals, Dedede figured that the only other thing he could eat were the Cappies.

Just as the Cappies were about to jump into a large cooking machine in the center of the building, Kirby slammed into one, toppling them like dominoes and freeing them from their brainwashed states. The episode then cut to a chase scene where Dedede chased down Kirby with the intent to eat him. While doing so, he utilized abilities that were only shown in the games. (Like puffing himself up and floating around and inhaling things like Kirby at a greater force.) After Dedede accidentally whacked the cooking machine with his hammer, a heated pipe popped out and rolled onto the floor. Tiff instructed Kirby to inhale the pipe while it was still hot, to which Kirby does and transforms into Fire Kirby.

After a heated battle against a crazed Dedede, the building turns even redder than it already was. Tuff immediately sees this and tells everyone that they need to hurry and get out. After carefully navigating through the collapsing factory, they finally make it out in one piece. Before we could see what happened to Dedede, the dream ended.

January 7th, 2025

I was relaxing at home when I received an email from my school counselor on my PDA device. She wanted to meet with me in her office for an important meeting. After I finished reading, I grabbed my stuff and headed straight for her office.

While on my way there, I noticed that the school grounds were located in a nearby town instead of a far-off location on a road filled with greenery and ventilation shafts. Since I wanted to arrive on time, I took a shortcut through the library. As I ran past through it, I saw someone watch a video on YouTube that included a battle that I had in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Version. (I think this was the match they were watching.)

After I knocked on my counselor's office door, the dream ended before someone could answer.

January 10th, 2025

I went to an event in a big city with some family members where they had free rides and games. The venue also held a promotion where they gave away free Pokémon cards, but there were several red flags not many people were noticing. The promotional art was all made with an AI art program and was full of visual errors. Despite the cards coming packaged in flimsy card holders, they all proved to be legitimate.

A few hours later, someone saw how good I was at both the card game and the video game and asked asked if I had a presence on social media. I told him that I never use social media, and he became confused and asked why I didn't, as he had never seen someone who didn't use it.  After I left the event, I entered another dream.

A well-established artist who worked on a popular cartoon drew a sketch of a rabbit character to cheer me up. Also included with the artwork was a transformation (or TF) comic where a random guy transforms into the rabbit. The artist did this to show me that even people like him are viewed as weird or different by others.

Before I could ask him for his name, the dream ended.

February 12th, 2025

I powered on my Switch Lite and discovered that the system's HOME menu had been updated considerably with a black background that had stylish, futuristic lighting with lines and orbs floating past the screen every few seconds.

The selection graphic had a luminescent, light blue hue and looked more three-dimensional. The tabs for users and system features (like the eShop and gallery) were separated by dividers and the game icons were more vertical and played a trailer after hovering over them. One of the games that caught my eye (besides a new Metal Gear Solid game that had music from the original Metal Gear game on the MSX play at the beginning of its preview trailer) was a game for
Nameneko Matayoshi's Strongest Legend: Don't Blame Me!.

The trailer showed the characters and world in a cel-shaded art style that captured the cool, hard-core art style of the manga. The game was a beat-em-up where you played as Matakichi and mowed your way through massive hordes of enemies throughout various areas in Casio City to make your way toward the hideout of the game's antagonist, Big Boss. An original character created solely for this game. Oddly, for a beat-em-up, the game was played from a third-person perspective.

Once I started up the game, the dream ended.

February 13th, 2025

I was watching a special episode of Doraemon that served as a crossover with Beastars.

Sue was being scolded by Gouhin for messing up in a confrontation against an unspecified enemy. Legoshi and Doraemon try to intervene, but are upstaged by Noby, who criticizes Gouhin for being too harsh on Sue and states that their failure was no one's fault but the enemy's and they can easily hatch another plan to take them out. Gouhin then goes off on him for being even more stupid than Sue and claims that he knows better than some fleshy cub with a weak and pathetic body. After calming down a bit, Gouhin sarcastically suggests that Noby could come up with a better plan the team could use to defeat the antagonists. Before Noby could say anything, the dream ended.

March 7th, 2025

I went to a live performance that was being held at a high school that claimed to be an adaptation of a Pokémon movie. The school functioned as a boarding school and had a mall with many different stores and even a park. It almost felt like a miniature city.

By the time I got to the auditorium, I noticed that the signs didn't have any mention of
Pokémon on them and were incredibly vague with their wording. At this point, I wasn't sure what to expect anymore. After the curtains opened, a person, who I assumed was the director, came out and said that he was looking forward to the audience's performances. As other audience members began to perform various acts, I came to the realization that the Pokémon movie stage performance was nothing more than a cover up for a talent competition.

While I was backstage, I heard a conversation between the director and another person who was well-dressed and had neatly combed hair. The dapper-looking man laughed before commenting that the winning act would certainly save their television network from total failure. The network was desperate for new show ideas and would use the winner as the star for a new program based on their act. The director began to worry that the contestants would revolt against the idea, to which the TV station president replied that just by signing up for the contest, the contestants would be automatically binded to a contract that stated they would be forced to be a part of the show's production until the day the final episode is completed.

After I tried to warn the contestants, the dream ended.