Link Binder

This is just a collection of websites that I like to visit every now and then.
Some of them are extremely fun to check out, while others can prove to be very helpful in certain areas.


While all the links I share on this page are trusted and aren't dangerous, it's still a good idea to watch out for any suspicious activity on the internet.

Personal Links:

My personal weblog.
This is where I showcase material that I don't think would fit well on this website. (Like unfinished material, artwork that doesn't meet my standards, and behind-the-scenes details on things that ARE present on this website.) Besides that, I also talk about things I'm into (Such as Pokémon or Hanna-Barbera cartoons) while sharing various interesting oddities!
Because this blog should be used in tandem with MEOWCO, I highly advise you to check it out as often as possible!

An archive of a (now deleted) Pokémon ask blog that centers around a cast of anthropomorphic Pokémon
(none of which I have a childhood crush on) who work at a news station and get into hilarious hijinks!

An archieved version of my old Miiverse account! (Or at least the one linked to my 2DS...)

Manga Translations
These are some manga that I've personally taken the time to translate to make them accessible to a wider audience. I first started with
Pokémon Pocket Monsters before branching out to other titles.

Media Links:

Dash & Spin Super Fast Sonic
An incredibly funny Sonic the Hedgehog manga that I used to read a lot as a kid. (Beats anything Archie was doing with the franchise at the time.) It's got everything! Good writing, fast-paced action, swearing, blood, and crude humor! (Try to ignore those last three.)

Lylat Wars Comic
A comic published by the European Club Nintendo magazine that retells the story of Star Fox 64. The artwork is well done and there's a good balance of comedy and action.

Nintendo Online Magazine
A digital magazine Nintendo used to make up until 2012. There's a lot of interesting information on things like the Mobile Adapter GB and the Nintendo Power cartridges. (There's also a few write-ups involving more obscure topics such as PokéPark!)

Super Famicom
Nintendo 64
Wii U
Game Boy/Game Boy Color
Game Boy Advance
Japanese Nintendo Websites
I'm putting these links together as they're all in the same boat in terms of content. Official websites for old Nintendo consoles that lead to official websites for Nintendo games! Untouched by the big N for decades.
Twenty Years After (And other D'Artagnan books!)
The entire collection of D'Artagnan novels by Alexandre Dumas presented by Project Gutenberg. The link leads to Twenty Years After. But there's other links present that'll lead you to the other books. And since they're eBooks, you can take them just about anywhere with you!

Custom Picross Designer
This is a nice little Picross game made with Javascript. You can create your own Picross puzzles for other people to solve. There's also a few pre-made puzzles that you can try out to give your brain a real workout!

Corocoro Website
The official home page for Corocoro magazine! Read cool comics and learn about the latest pieces of media before people on... ...that website.

Sly Cooper: Phantom Thief
A manga published in Comic Bom Bom magazine to promote Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves. (Down to the last chapter showing off a cheat code you can use in the game.) The comedy is wacky, and the situations Sly and his friends get into are just as nonsensical. This manga makes for an entertaining read!

Medabots - Hikaru Arc
A manga adaptation of the first generation of Medabots on Game Boy that follows the adventures of a boy, Henry (Hikaru in Japanese), and his Medabot, Metabee.

Africa Salaryman
A web manga that follows the adventures of a lion, toucan, and a lizard as they go about their days as common office workers while getting into crazy scenarios. If this manga seems familiar to you, that's because it would later get turned into an anime that cranks the insanity to 11!

Beastars Website
The official website for the Beastars anime. Aside from character summaries and clips from the show, they also have articles on new merchandise, interviews with the original creator of the manga, and even a custom Cherryton School ID maker for your pets.

Jack and Mamena Kinoshita Kun
A manga story written and illustrated by a person called Memi. It centers around a transfer student (who's also a rabbit) from the United States named Jack who makes a fast friend in his schoolmate, Kinoshita. Jack's American attitude and outgoing personality make him an easily lovable character and his relationship with the more serious Kinoshita creates an interesting dynamic.

Graphics Links:

Pixie Engine
An online tool for pixel artwork and sprites.

A project of the Internet Archive that keeps gifs from thousands of GeoCities websites. It might take a while to find a specific gif. (I'm still trying to find some good Top Cat gifs through there.)

Free Backgrounds
A catalog of different backgrounds you can use for your website! For browsers like FireFox, you just need to right click a background and save it. For others such as Chrome, you'll need to get a bit technical.

Educational Links:

HTML Course on W3C
If you want to make a cool website like mine, you'll want to check out the tutorials provided by W3C! They have many resources that can help you build your web design skills.

Kids Web Japan
A website I used to frequent when I was younger. It contains tons of interesting information about Japan. The site has changed significantly since I last visited it. (And by significantly, I mean incredibly minimalized.) However, the older (and better) version of site has been safely archieved.

Learn Japanese With the Pizza Cats!
Even though this is a fan page, I'm still going to list it here as it serves as a helpful guide while learning Japanese.

Japanese Learning Activities On Quia
A page filled with various activities that can help boost your knowledge of the Japanese language.

Mak Forrit
Scots Language Center
Scots Online
Scots Learning Resources
I'm putting these together since they nearly do the same thing. Excellent resources which help teach you about or boost your knowledge of Scots! A language that's similar to English which is spoken throughout lowland Scotland.

Intercommunication: Internet Edition
A collection of articles written for Intercommunication. A publication that discusses obscure up-and-coming advances in technology. These articles make the most out of your browser and include multimedia elements such as videos and audio.

The articles are also extremely well formatted and include web design choices that are very appealing to the eyes!

Fan Links:

What I consider to be THE best Dogtanian fansite around! There are many things to see on this website, such as character/season summaries, a merchandise gallery, a fanwork page, and a personality test! (Where have I seen that last one...)

Question Braixen
A Pokémon ask blog created by the same person behind Ask-WJV-Pokenews. This blog focuses on only one Pokémon, Braixen. And unlike that other ask blog, this one is still available on the web.

Princess Vi's Spiffy Diffy Web Page
One of the best Samurai Pizza Cats fansites on the web! (And one that I used to visit a lot when I was younger.) This website is just chock-full of Pizza Cats goodness! My favorite part of the site has to be the manga page. There's both official and unofficial works present. Two of the latter ones are original stories created by another English-speaking fan! Sadly, only one of those stories ever managed to be completed.
Another Dogtanian fansite. While it's nowhere as big as, it's still a pretty good site that houses some excellent character write-ups and episode summaries.

Guild of La Nya Village

A extremely stylish Japanese fansite devoted mostly to Monster Hunter. There's a lot of well made artwork present alongside a gallery for merchandise. (There's also material present for other things the webmaster is into like Sonic and Pokémon.)

Pokémon Center New York Historical Site
A Pokémon fansite that chronicles a lot of the stuff from the (sadly defunct) New York Pokémon Center. There's a page that goes over its history from its initial conception to its conversion into Nintendo World NYC. But there are also other pages detailing cool things such as the Gotta Catch em' All Station and some store-exclusive merchandise. If you experienced the Pokémon Center NY when it was still around, make sure to tell the webmasters about your experiences and memories!

Willy Wombat 20th Anniversary Webpage
A fansite dedicated to the Sega Saturn video game, Willy Wombat. Even though it isn't as big as the other websites listed on this page, it still has a plethora of information on the game.

Choo Choo Fansite
A fansite dedicated to Choo Choo from Top Cat. There's an article on the character alongside a lot of neat screenshots and gifs.

The Robopon Iceberg
A fansite dedicated to the original Robopon games on Game Boy Color. If you're interested in the Sun, Star, and Moon versions, this website is a good entry point. It also has info on merchandise and accessories and isn't afraid to take a deep dive into the franchise's surprising lore.

The Bonk Compendium
A fansite that showcases many things relating to the Bonk franchise. There are pages for merchandise and different Bonk games. But the site also has television commercials, magazines, and tons of tricks to help you become a Bonk Master!

The Field Guide to Pocket Monsters
A weblog that goes over a lot of things from the original series of Pokémon. Aside from things like
Pokémon anime episode reviews and video game strategies, this blog is notable for providing synopses of chapters from the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga. One of the many Pokémon manga snubbed over by fans in favor of Pokémon Adventures. You should definitely visit if you're a fan of the first generation of Pokémon!

Klonoa's Dream
A fansite dedicated to the Klonoa franchise. Aside from some great artwork and interesting fan-fiction, they also have scripts for most of the main games that contain every piece of dialogue used throughout each game's story.

Aqua Bunny
A website dedicated to the Nidoran Male, Nidoran Female, and their respective evolutions. There's galleries for comics and art, but there's also videos, fan games, and merchandise collections. The perfect fansite for Nidoran fans!

Buried Relic
Pokémon fansite that contains a lot of useful tools and guides for different Pokémon games. (Mostly relating to the Advanced series.)
A website that allows you to play an online version of the Voltorb Flip minigame from
Pokémon Heart Gold and Pokémon Soul Silver Versions. The game also doubles as a makeshift guide for the DS games in that you can see which spaces contain point cards or Voltorb cards. Just don't expect it to be 100% accurate since Voltorb Flip is a game of chance.

Trainer Card Maker
A website that lets you make Pokémon Trainer Cards that showcase your Friend Code, favorite Pokémon, and your total amount of Gym Badges. There are modern cards and legacy cards. The modern cards let you pick more characters, but they're suited for social media as they lack Friend Codes and badges. (The
Pokémon and characters also look pretty bland due to them being art renders.) Because of this, you're better off using the legacy card maker. It even lets you put newer Pokémon on your cards.

Krystal Archive
A fansite dedicated entirely to Krystal from the Star Fox franchise. There are many articles regarding merchandise and events related to the character and Star Fox as a whole, but there are also videos, images, and custom 3D models.

A DeviantArt gallery that contains 93 photos taken at PokéPark. An amusement park that was located in Japan and Taiwan centered entirely on
Pokémon! While the gallery isn't as massive as the moderator wanted it to be, it still shows off many things from this long lost amusement park of the past.

Pokémon Racers
Pokémon ask blog that stars an anthropomorphic Lucario named Sebastein. A professional racer that hangs out with his friends in a small junk shop.

Ham-Ham Paradise
The largest Hamtaro fansite on the internet! You can find scans from several books and manga alongside recordings of episodes from the anime in both English and Japanese. Besides that, Ham-Ham Paradise also contains articles regarding the show that talk about rumored lost English dub episodes and the true reasoning behind Hamtaro's decline in North America. If all of this Hamtaro media is too much for you to take in, you can also listen to some songs from the anime while reading exclusive fan-fiction.

Zoids Complete Land
A Japanese Zoids fansite that houses a wide collection of Zoids merchandise such as figures, cards, and music CDs. Besides the merch write-ups, there are a few guides on assembling Zoids models and what you should do when participating in an auction. My favorite part of the site is the CoroCoro review section where you can view a few pages from CoroCoro magazine!

Ask the Poké Devs
An ask blog that follows an anthropomorphic Houndoom named Samson who works at a video game development company called PokéFreak Inc. (Sound familiar?) He also has some friends at
PokéFreak who work with him on exciting games. (That might never get released because this weblog stopped updating just as the characters began to receive redesigns.)

PDX Plus
Pokémon fansite that centers around relationship pairings the webmaster is into. I like to look at all the artwork in the gallery.

A fansite for Pulseman. GAME FREAK's first original action/platform game for the Sega Genesis. Not only does it contain some information on the game's story and mechanics, but it also has some neat artwork and a page that contains all the cool music in the game.

You should visit this website if you ever wanted to play the game for yourself!

Samurai Pizza Cats: COLD
A cool Samurai Pizza Cats fan comic that I was into when I was younger. It takes place a few years after the final episode of the show and contains the same wacky writing that's present in the English dub of the original show and even introduces some unique characters. In fact, this comic is so close to the source material that I think of it as an unofficial reboot.

Sadly, the comic is unfinished as the original artist and writer duo moved on to work on other things. Some of the pages for the comic are lost and are hard to track down. However, you can still read a sizeable amount of them on the original web page.

Samurai Pizza Cats Impromanga
Another Samurai Pizza Cats fan comic that, unlike Samurai Pizza Cats: COLD, still has an active URL address. The comic is unique in that each page is written and illustrated by a different person. Some pages might look a bit crude and unrefined while others are of a more professional quality. The comic becomes zanier with each new page and keeps the bizarre spirit of the original show.

The Samurai Pizza Cats Impromanga is also unfinished. It's been YEARS since any new pages were published on the website, and it doesn't look like the webmaster is maintaining it any longer or is even open to accepting new pages to add to the comic. Either way, the Samurai Pizza Cats Impromanga still makes for a fun read!

Other Links:

Nekosupi HP
A website I used to visit all the time when I was younger. Sadly, it's impossible to access normally. But all the pages have been preserved and archived. The site contains a lot of nice artwork and icons you can use on your computer or website!

A website where you can buy
Pokémon merchandise straight from Japan. The website contains a MASSIVE variety of items from plushies to Pokémon cards. Some of the merch you can purchase on PokéVault are rare and hard to come by on other shopping sites. (We're talking NFC figures for Pokémon Rumble U and lottery event prizes!) Some of them are pretty old and are surprisingly still available for purchase.

I vouch for the site as a bit of a regular when I say all items ship in one piece, and the prices are sensible and affordable. Plus, with merchandise stocked for different
Pokémon, characters, and events, you'll quickly find your shopping cart chock-full of Pokémon goodies! This is an amazing online store that I would recommend to any Pokémon fan or any person who's looking for the perfect gift for someone in their life who's the biggest Pokémon fan they know.

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